The Jewish Household

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shutterstockLife After Overdraft
Our Sages teach: "The rich man is he who is content with his portion."
  • An Intimate Conversation
    Is there any problem with having an intimate conversation with a woman who isn't your wife? Does it harm the connection with one's wife? Based on an article by rabbi Yoni Lavi.
  • The Cheese Factory
    It is a common custom to have special milchig meals in honor Shavuos; thus, I am sharing with you an article on the halachic issue of gevinas akum.
  • A Lost Custom
    For most of my life, I was accustomed to visiting people in their homes and in receiving visitors in my own home. My generation communicated with each other by letter correspondence or face-to-face personal visits.
  • When Compassion & Holiness Come to a Head
    Two issues have surfaced recently. Public calls have been made, to allow occasional light physical contact between spouses during the period of niddah, and to officially accept same-sex couples into our communities. How does the Torah instruct us to deal with them?
  • the Book of Complaints
    My wife and I labored long and hard over the invitation list and over the seating arrangements for the wedding dinner. We invested a great deal of effort and energy in trying to make sure that, to the best of our ability, everyone would be satisfied, and no one would be unduly disappointed.
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את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר